Publications on Fire Safety
Journal Papers
Reports of the USNRC International Fire Model Validation Project
Meetings of the USNRC International Fire Model Validation Project
- Benefits and use of ISO/IEC TR 17032, "Guidelines and examples of a scheme for the certification of processes", for Certification of the Fire Safety Engineering Process, Monideep Dey, Deytec, Inc. 2019.
- An ISO Scheme for the Certification of Performance-Based Fire Safety Designs, Monideep Dey, Deytec, Inc., 2017.
- A Unified Framework that Covers Regulation of Prescriptive and Performance-Based Fire Safety Design, Monideep Dey, Deytec, Inc., 2017.
- ISO Global Fire Safety Engineering Analysis and Information System, Monideep Dey, Deytec, Inc., 2015.
- Technical Methods for a Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Fire Protection Program at Nuclear Power Plants, International Atomic Energy Agency Symposium on Upgrading the Safety of Nuclear Power Plants, Vienna, Austria, 17-21, November 1997.
- Blind versus Open Fire Model Validation: Issues, Pros & Cons, Monideep Dey, Deytec, Inc., 2011, (referenced in ISO/IEC 16730-1, Fire Safety Engineering - Procedures and requirements for verification and validation of calculation methods, 2015).
- Lessons Learned in ICFMP Project for Verification and Validation of Computer Models for Nuclear Plant Fire Safety Analysis, Monideep Dey, Deytec, Inc., 2010.
- Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Plant Fire Safety and Risk Analysis, Monideep Dey, Deytec, Inc., 2009.
Journal Papers
- Lessons Learned in ICFMP Project for Verification and Validation of Computer Models for Nuclear Plant Fire Safety Analysis, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Performance-Based Codes & Fire Safety Design Methods, June 20-22, 2012, HONG KONG. (Presentation Slides).
- Lessons Learned in ICFMP Project for Verification and Validation of Computer Models for Nuclear Plant Fire Safety Analysis, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 2010 Winter Meeting, LAS VEGAS. (Presentation Slides).
- Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Plant Fire Safety and Risk Analysis, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 2009 Winter Meeting, Vol 101, WASHINGTON DC, November 15-19, 2009. (Presentation Slides)
Reports of the USNRC International Fire Model Validation Project
- Validation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models with Full-Scale Nuclear Power Plant Compartment Fire Experiments, Monideep Dey, 2009.
- Validation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models with Large Fire Experiments in a Compartment, Monideep Dey, 2009.
- Validation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models for Cable Exposure to Pool Fires in a Trench, Monideep Dey, 2009.
- Validation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models for Multi-Level Fire Scenarios in Large Halls, Monideep Dey, 2009.
- Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Cable Tray Fires, International Panel Report, Monideep Dey, NUREG-1758, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2002.
- Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications, Benchmark Exercise #3, International Panel Report, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NISTIR 7338, 2007.
- Report of Experimental Results for the International Fire Model Benchmarking and Validation Exercise #3, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST Special Publication 1013-1, 2005.
- Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications - Flame Spread in Cable Tray Fires Benchmark Exercise No. 5 - International Panel Report, Gesellschaft für Anlagenund Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, 2006.
- Evaluation of Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Fuel Pool Fire Inside A Compartment International Panel Report, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, 2006.
- International Panel Report - International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications International Panel - Report on Benchmark Exercise # 2 - Pool Fires in Large Halls, Building Research Establishment client report number 212214, May 2004.
- International Collaborative Fire Modeling Project (ICFMP): Summary of Benchmark Exercises No. 1 to 5, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), 2008.
Meetings of the USNRC International Fire Model Validation Project
- International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Proceedings of 5th Meeting, NUREG-0181, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MARYLAND, 2002 (Edited by Monideep Dey).
- International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Summary of 2nd Meeting, NUREG-0173, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Fontenay-aux-Roses, FRANCE, 2000 (Edited by Monideep Dey).
- International Collaborative Project to Evaluate Fire Models for Nuclear Power Plant Applications: Summary of Planning Meeting, NUREG-0170, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, University of Maryland, MARYLAND, 1999 (Edited by Monideep Dey).