Lessons Learned in ICFMP Project for Verification and Validation of Computer Models for Nuclear Plant Fire Safety Analysis
by Monideep Dey, PhD
This report by Monideep Dey summarizes lessons learned from an international fire model validation project he managed at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The report was presented by Monideep Dey to the ISO subcommittee on fire safety engineering for consideration of the lessons learned. Subsequently, the lessons learned identified in the report was used toward the development of ISO 16730-1:2015: Fire safety engineering — Procedures and requirements for verification and validation of calculation methods — Part 1: General. The reports of the international fire model validation project are listed below. Monideep Dey served as Convenor of the working group at ISO that developed this international standard.
This report presents a synthesis of the technical and programmatic “lessons learned” in the International Collaborative Fire Model Project (ICFMP) that was conducted from 1999 to 2008. The verification and validation (V&V) process in the ICFMP project was developed to examine the capabilities and limitations of fire models for nuclear plant fire safety and risk analysis, and to determine the predictive errors of the models. Although current models can reliably predict global parameters in nuclear plant compartment fires such as hot gas temperature and interface height, they are limited and need to be improved for predicting important parameters like the heat flux to cable targets. The development of V&V process provided experience in the conduct of blind exercises; however, it was not possible to determine the true predictive errors of the models due to issues related to model input data and procedures for blind exercises. These issues could be addressed and the V&V process can be improved. The experience in the ICFMP has formed the basis of a V&V process for the evaluation of fire models for nuclear plant applications.
See full report by Monideep Dey
See summary report by Monideep Dey
See presentation from Monideep Dey to ISO subcommittee on fire safety engineering
Reports of the International Fire Model Validation Project
The research studies listed below were conducted by Monideep Dey at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission as part of the international fire model validation project, and included in the reports published by international research organizations (listed in the Fire Safety Publications page) participating in the project. A synthesis of the research by Monideep Dey, as well those by other experts in the international project, was used to develop the "Lessons Learned" report discussed above.
by Monideep Dey, PhD
This report by Monideep Dey summarizes lessons learned from an international fire model validation project he managed at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The report was presented by Monideep Dey to the ISO subcommittee on fire safety engineering for consideration of the lessons learned. Subsequently, the lessons learned identified in the report was used toward the development of ISO 16730-1:2015: Fire safety engineering — Procedures and requirements for verification and validation of calculation methods — Part 1: General. The reports of the international fire model validation project are listed below. Monideep Dey served as Convenor of the working group at ISO that developed this international standard.
This report presents a synthesis of the technical and programmatic “lessons learned” in the International Collaborative Fire Model Project (ICFMP) that was conducted from 1999 to 2008. The verification and validation (V&V) process in the ICFMP project was developed to examine the capabilities and limitations of fire models for nuclear plant fire safety and risk analysis, and to determine the predictive errors of the models. Although current models can reliably predict global parameters in nuclear plant compartment fires such as hot gas temperature and interface height, they are limited and need to be improved for predicting important parameters like the heat flux to cable targets. The development of V&V process provided experience in the conduct of blind exercises; however, it was not possible to determine the true predictive errors of the models due to issues related to model input data and procedures for blind exercises. These issues could be addressed and the V&V process can be improved. The experience in the ICFMP has formed the basis of a V&V process for the evaluation of fire models for nuclear plant applications.
See full report by Monideep Dey
See summary report by Monideep Dey
See presentation from Monideep Dey to ISO subcommittee on fire safety engineering
Reports of the International Fire Model Validation Project
The research studies listed below were conducted by Monideep Dey at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission as part of the international fire model validation project, and included in the reports published by international research organizations (listed in the Fire Safety Publications page) participating in the project. A synthesis of the research by Monideep Dey, as well those by other experts in the international project, was used to develop the "Lessons Learned" report discussed above.
- Validation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models with Full-Scale Nuclear Power Plant Compartment Fire Experiments, Monideep Dey, 2009.
- Validation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models with Large Fire Experiments in a Compartment, Monideep Dey, 2009.
- Validation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models for Cable Exposure to Pool Fires in a Trench, Monideep Dey, 2009.
- Evaluation of the CFAST and FDS Fire Models for Multi-Level Fire Scenarios in Large Halls, Monideep Dey, 2009.